Friday, August 28, 2009

AFTeR A WhiLe..

its been a while since my last blog.. and id say that i really miss blogging.. a friend actually inspired me to blog again.. she said its a good vent.. hmmm im still wondering how would that work but im giving it a shot.. anyway.. life has been crazy since.. im currently working now and im pretty serious about it.. hahaha!! that was a couple of months ago.. im not so keen on working now because of some things.. some things not worth discussing..

my mom and dad are already in the US and its depressing.. talking about my security blanket gone to some place so far.. but the good thing is ive been going home more often.. but its still depressing.. but hey as long as they get to enjoy life now then its all good and im quite sure we--sis bro and i will do fine on our own.. and besides its not like theyre not coming back cause they are.. i just dont know when.. hehe..

as for other things.. im loosing grip on a lot of things.. been missing on so much lately i feel like i have to quit working and just stay home which is a big no no cause after a month or two id be bored to death.. but i just miss my friends so much.. they are spending so much time with each other i feel so left out.. but thats life right.. i have my own life now and the direction is pretty clear unlike before when i just used to spend my entire day with them.. and my folks are pretty happy about my current situation now which would be good right? finally after so many wasted years im finally standing on my own two feet.. and a smooth way to the so called thing future.. goodluck to me..

so much for now.. till then.. gotta work..

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